Monday 9 June 2008

What Do We Choose?

Life is an enigma...It starts without our knowledge, grows without our suggestions and ends without our consent. Life is not about 'either-or', its all about 'this-and-that.'

This is a space where joy and sorrow walk hand in hand, this is a space where triumph and disaster are two sides of the same coin, this is a space where all and none exists!!!!! It is on us.... what we wish to see and what we choose to ignore.

Failure brings with it the joys of learning, the knowledge to appreciate that its human to err and the wisdom to accept that certain things are beyond our control.

Life is beautiful with all its colours, some bright some dull some in stark contrast while some in shades. Its the amalgamation of all that makes it so rich. The light wouldnt be welcome if there was no darkness, success wouldnt be celebrated if there were no fear of failure, a smile wouldnt be appreciated if there were no tears.

The good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, the right and the wrong- they are all within us. its all about what we choose and when??

Happines is a choice and not a chance. Afterall, life is 15% of what happens to us and 85% of how we react to it. As Henry Ford said, "If you think you can or you can't, you are always right."

So today, lets make a choice.......

Srirupa Chakraborty - Lecturer in HR, Pune, India. My interests include music, poems, philosophy, and sports.

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happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and more happiness .. be happy always

10 Reasons Why You Should Always Be Happy

Never forget that "the more you put out, the more you receive". Some times appearances can be deceiving. If you appear to be in a mess of some sort, whether from a relationship or finances, don't let yourself get too lost. Remember that there is always a way out, even if it's something as simple as smiling and being grateful. You will only be able to get out of the mess if you truly believe that you can. Just remember the following 10 tips:

The world is happy when you are happy.

Smile at the world, and the world will smile back.

Be thankful that you are alive to experience this day, and you will be given more days to be thankful for.

The universe reflects back to you what you put out to the universe.

Be thankful for yesterday, and be happy today.

Be happy today, and prosper tomorrow.

You don't need money to be happy, only a smile.

Your dreams will come true, but first you must be true to yourself.

Share love and smiles with others, and the world will share with you in return.

Next time some thing bad happens, ask yourself "What did I do to contribute to this, and what can I do to make things better?" Apologize to the world for the part you played in messing things up, even if you don't feel it was your fault. Apologize to yourself as well, and then forgive yourself. Now all you can do is start all over again. There is no use having any bad feelings, for that will just dig you even deeper into the hole. Smile and be happy, and you will quickly find your way out.

I'm a spiritual medium and Reiki Master. I love studying and writing about anything that is considered metaphysical and the occult. I have years of experience and feel that my journey still has a long way to go. I enjoy working with other people with similar interests. I also offer my services to others and oftentimes learn from them as well. Spells, Readings, Reiki, Healing, Coaching:

Happiness - 5 Steps To Happiness Now

People who are sick typically seek better health; and people who aren't sick typically seek wealth rather than health. But everyone wishes to be happy. Sick people are not happy people; they want to feel better - to be well and happy. And, a great many people seek money, or riches, because they are under the impression that money can buy them happiness, or that "rich people" are happy people. But even people who do harm to others somehow think they'll be happier, or better-off, as a result.

But is it wise to seek happiness? This is obviously a play on words; but your subconscious might not think so. The idea of seeking something implies that you don't already have it, or you aren't "there" yet. Happiness isn't really a "thing;" and it isn't a place, either. Happiness is the word we give the feeling of "unimpeded spiritual flow." It is important to think about that; because, if you want to be happy, it is important to know what it is you want. And, these days, it seems as if most people don't know what they want; and they have all kinds of ideas about what might "make them happy."

You cannot acquire happiness; though we often speak as if you can. You cannot "reach," or "get to," happiness as if it were a destination, or location. You can, however, BE happy - in a happy state - experiencing happiness. Happiness is your natural state. You are, essentially, happiness with life-experiences filtering that energy - stepping it down until it is barely enough to move your body around this physical world. You can release those things that impede your natural flow of life-energy, or happiness, and begin experiencing what it is like to live your life with ALL of your energy.

We think and do things that build up our joy; and we think and do things that reduce our joy. The biggest key to happiness is noticing which category your thoughts and actions are falling into and increase the joy-producing activities as you decrease those things that sap your life-energy and leave you feeling "drained." We may also have to learn new things, new thoughts, or new ways of being in the world, if what we want is to feel something new and different. If you aren't a happy person, for instance, you probably aren't used to doing and thinking "happy-people-thoughts-and-things."

The other misconception people have is that they will be happy "one day in the future." You cannot suffer for years and expect happiness to grow out of it. If you practice suffering for years, you will only be good at suffering. Happiness now is the way to Happiness Now. There is no future; there is only now. If you want to be happy, you are going to have to learn to be happy now. The secret is that you are flowing happiness now - right now. You are always flowing happiness; and you are almost always resisting most of it - "slowing" it down until it looks like some other emotion. You need only "turn off" the energy-drains, or stop the energy-leaks in your system, release the things that are using-up your life and giving you nothing in return, and release your resistance to letting you true nature flow freely, in order to feel happy and free. And that's what we all want.

Here are 5-Keys to being happy Now:

  1. Get over yourself. Would you rather be "right," or happy? Your egos cause you to be unhappy; the more egos, or the bigger your egos, the greater your suffering will be. Try thinking and speaking without using the words, "I," and "me." If you're unhappy, you'll be surprised at how much of your life you personally identify with and attach yourself (and your happiness) to. Love your self, not your individual egos.
  2. Let Go. Let go of the past, and everything in it - including reasons to fear the future. Let go of attachments. If it is good, true, and yours, you cannot possibly lose it. If you lose something by releasing it, you have just revealed its true nature.
  3. Simplify your Life. Humans are relatively simple. When life becomes complicated, it is because we are feeding too many egos - ours and those belonging to other people. The things we do and collect in our lives require an energy expenditure on our part in order to "hold on to them." The "stuff" drains our energy and obstructs, or impedes, the flow of energy through us and our environment and life.
  4. Serve others. Suffering, including unhappiness, is the result of thinking about yourself - what You lost, what something means to You, what something cost You, what might happen to You... The best way to not think about your self is to serve others. You will find great relief in thinking about what you can do for others, and great joy in service.
  5. Know when to quit. Whether a job, a meal, a project, or anything else, continuing past "quitting-time" can get old after a while and cause burn-out. If you want to be happy, you should be doing what you love. When a Joy turns into a Job, that's when it's time to quit.

Losing a job is a non-issue; losing your joy, on the other hand, means losing your true reason for living. When you notice you have lost your happiness, stop whatever it is your doing and find it. It's inside you. It's always inside you. Some people lose a relationship, a possession, a job, a house, etc, and act as if it was the end of the world. They create thoughts of the worst conceivable nature and dwell on them - letting them grow to unrealistic proportions in many cases. Some people, however, do what comes next without all the theatrics. It's up to you to restore the happiness in your life. Now you have some keys to try; what are you waiting for?

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 30-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears and limiting beliefs -- and reclaim your happiness!)

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

In Pursuit of Happiness

It does happen, albeit rarely. That day when you get out of bed and everything goes just right. Your face is beaming with happiness and the world is just right; but what about when circumstances spin out of control and one bad thing after another happens without seemingly any reason. Everyone has those days when you just can't seem to get things to go right. The storm clouds hang low and your wondering if you will ever feel happy again.

Just how do you stay happy during those tough times? And as for the old adage "when the going gets tough the tough get going." but you feel whomever said that hasn't walked in your shoes. Positive attitudes can help, but is there really a higher power controlling the intricacies of our lives. Are these bumps in our road of life just part of the overall plan? The deep acceptance of faith is called joy; and hard times have a hard time competing with pure joy.

Of course most of us don't understand why bad things happen to good people, but they certainly do and they always will, just as bad things do happen to bad people, this is just the way things are. We must simply understand that certain things do happen and will always happen through our lives, but there are things that happen that will always help us get through life here. Try to look at things as part of a plan and as a positive experience, find the happiness in the simple pleasures of life and overcome the circumstances of the things that seem to get you down.

Along with unhappiness comes fear. To many people, fear is a part of life. Not your usual type fears such as claustrophobia and hypochondria, but fear that keeps them from pursuing the things that could make them happy. For example that job that you know you would rather have, than the one you are in now. Or making those perceived, huge steps in life that keep us from attempting that step that will take us beyond our comfort zone. Often we are our own worst enemies. Negative thoughts keep us in our own comfort zone. We are surrounded by a fence of comfort, some bigger than others but fences none the less. We should take the time to think about where we are in our search for happiness, it is not something that we can buy or that someone will give us. It is something that comes from within.

Many books have been written on the subject of happiness, read more thoughts on the subject in a book called "Before the Secret" by Charles F Haanel.

A desire to share an expertise in a particular field has lead to an effort to supply as much information as possible on a broad range of subjects. Check out the books available at and best wishes for your future.

Live Your Life With Happiness

I always remember someone says to me that if you not live your life at the fullest, you are selfish. That words stuck into my mind. I began to think real heart what it meant to live our lives at the fullest.

I have read all sort of book about how to have great personality, attraction skill, law of success and so on. But I realize that somewhat in my heart feel I have lost something that is extremely important in our life. I thinking this matter over and over and over again.

Then, I read all the success literature I can get and I can buy. I decide that I must find what is the true success really is. I have already learn Law of Attraction and how to use it. I also have learn all sort of NLP.

But, I realize that in order to live our life at the fullest, we need to live our life to serve other and to live our life with greater purpose. I began built my character. I built honesty in my heart. One the most hardest but most meaningful thing I have ever done in my life.

Honesty I meant in here is not just saying the truth but more than that. It is to live your life with great character and be the best for others and also be truth with yourself so that you can leave a legacy for the younger generations.

Even though I am still young, but I want prove that no matter how much age you are, live your life with happiness. Built greater character in your heart, smile everyday no matter what, be honest in everything that you do, always do your best no matter what you do, never give up and always and always improve yourself. Think and do what you want and don't worry about something you can't do anything about it.

Finally, achieve what you want in your life. Live your life with happiness.

Life Happiness Depends on Your Life Goal

There are a lot of books talking about how to be happy. It seems like everybody is looking for happiness. Somebody reads a lot of books just to look for happiness in their life. It is hard to find a book which relates your happiness with your life goal.

Somebody does not know which education course is good for them. Somebody does not know which shirt or dress to choose. Somebody even does not know what to choose for lunch. Somebody likes to ask for other opinion on their own problem. And their life keeps repeating all these kind of things without thinking of solving them. Why people feel difficult to make a simple decision? People thought that this suppose to be a life for an ordinary human being?

Life is actually very simple. It is all depends on your life goal. If you don't have a life goal or not clear about your life goal, your life will be not simple anymore, always facing some difficulties and unhappy things. If you don't know which course is suitable for you, you are not clear about your life goal. If you ask for advice( not referring to knowledge ) from others on your own life, you are not clear about your life goal.

I strongly believe that, when you don't know which shirt should be worn today, you should ask yourselves what is your life goal. When you feel angry with somebody, you should ask yourselves what is your life goal. When you worry about what will be your examination result, you should ask yourselves what is your life goal. We should be responsible on our own emotion. If you think you are in some kind of emotion which you don't like, then you should ask yourselves what is wrong with you. Your life goal is not OK? Or even worst, you don't have one clear goal.

Why we may allow one same problem to be happened again? Why don't we try to solve it once for our life? We thought problem is normal for an ordinary human being? We thought life suppose to be filled by many unhappy events/things? We seems like not responsible on our emotion.

If we have set up our life goal, we should be responsible on all the consequences of it, including our emotion. If we can't accept such consequences, then we suppose to adjust the goal. The goal could makes our life full of excitement. The goal could makes us always in trouble. The goal could makes our life simple and happy. What kind of life you want all depends on your goal. Please don't blame that unhappy is normal for human being. Asking for advice for our own life is really ridiculous. How people may helps if people does not know about your life goal and only you are clear about your own life goal. Somebody even supplies advice base on their own life goal, instead of yours. They thought if they solve the problem using this way you should also use the same way.

Let say you are going to select an education course for your university, and there are course A and course B in front of you. Please ask yourselves, if you choose course A, are you going towards your goal? If you choose course B, are you going towards your goal? If both courses allowing you to achieve your goal, then simply choose one. If only course A allowing you to achieve your goal, then choose course A. If both courses are not allowing you to achieve your goal, then looks for the course which allows you to achieve your goal. What is so difficult? The difficult part is, if we don't have a life goal. If so, nobody can helps you. You can't ask somebody on how to solve your problem. The existence of the problem is coming from you. It is not coming from the environment. Of course there are a lot of people solving the course problem through another method. They try to find out which course is more popular or which course may makes them earn more money in future. These kind of consideration is no longer coming from yourselves( internal factor ). It is an external factor. If you got a wrong information, found it after joining the course and feel angry on it, what is the cause of your anger? It is caused by yourselves, not caused by the person who gave you the information. At the time you use this kind of method in choosing your course, you should be aware of this kind of risk and accept all the consequences.

Happiness is a personal thing. So in doing whatever job, making whartever decision, we should do it ourselves and not letting other to do it for us. We have to make the decision base on what we want for our life. We can't( just my suggestion ) let other to decide our happiness. If you allow other to decide it for you, then you have to accept the consequences and be happy with whatever you will be facing. It is hardly to find a person who let other to control their life and still feel very happy on their life.

The main factor to differentiate adults with kids is, adults could take responsibility and knowing very well about the consequences but kids could not. If we look around, we may find a lot of people with an adult body who can't take responsibility and don't know or don't care about the consequences. Especially of they can't responsible on their own emotion. Our emotion is actually the result of our choice.

Our life goal is our choice. We should think deeply to find a best goal for ourselves. We are having 100% of the power to choose our own life goal base on our interest and what we want for our life. After decided the goal, we live according to our goal. Whatever happened after that are affecting our emotion. So the emotion is the result of our life goal. The emotion is the result of our own choice.

Back From the Blues - One of My Secrets For Improving Mood

Today has just been one of "those" days! I'm tired, cranky and I think my kids hate me. It seems that everyone wants something and place their expectations above my own. Yep, I'm over-worked ( I work from home ) underpaid and feel like there is just no point to all of this. I think I am just going to turn out the lights, lay down and not get up for about a week. And that's just what I did! Well sorta, I told the kids I was taking TIME OUT! ( yes mommies are allowed ) laid down with the lights out and closed my eyes. But instead of drifting off to sleep I started thinking. What would I really like to do? Something that is hidden within me that no one has any idea is even there? Then I began to visualize myself doing that exact thing. It was amazing, just like watching a movie in my head! The "dream" was so exciting yet soothing that I wrote the following poem. I want to share my "dream" with you until you create your own!

Moonlight Dance

The night dark as ebony but for the yellow jewel of the moon high above. The sky a blank canvas awaiting the artist brush. The silence deafening except for the chirp of crickets. A soft rumbling, rhythmical, elusive, seductive beat creeps into the night.

Walking slowly, with bare feet, on wet grass. Weaving tentatively through the brush. The branches tear at clothing. The irresistible, hypnotic, magnetic sound of the drums pound louder.

Suddenly a clearing appears with a roaring fire. The moon high in the night shining bright. Body swaying, eyes closed, becoming one with the drums. Arms moving seductively to the insistent beat, hips swaying as if they have a life of their own. Clothing flung to parts unknown allowing streams of moonlight to bathe moist skin in a pearly hue. Swirling faster, dipping and leaping, unable to resist the music of your soul.

Dancing, laughing, in complete abandon, not caring, free of the weight of the world. Collapsing in a heap, satiated, complete, smiling a coy smile, as the music ends.

Dare to dream of, dancing to the beat of your own drums, dancing in the moonlight!

The point of all this is that if you don't like where your at, create where you want to be! Taking a time out to use your imagination is a great way to bring you back from the blues! If you enjoyed what you have read please visit my web page.